Through our 21st century grant we are able to provide a variety of enrichment services during both the school day and afterschool, special events, family and community workshops. Our key partners in this work are CARE, The Leadership Program and RoboFun. CARE provides martial arts, music and cooking classes to kindergarten through third grade students. RoboFun provides STEM based coding and game design classes to third and fourth grade students. The Leadership Program provides dance, fitness, and photography to third through fifth grade students. They also provide family literacy workshops and culturally responsive assemblies. Through our 21st Century grant our school-based staff also provide tailored enrichment academic programs, including individualized tutoring programs for our students in grades K-5 and Saturday Legends Academy for our students in grades 2-5. Please click the links below to sign your child up for any of the following programs:
As an NYC Department of Education Community School, we develop partnerships between families, teachers, administrators and community organizations to provide holistic, wrap-around supports for our entire community of learners. From enrichment programs to health services to parent workshops to attendance improvement to school climate-building activities, our Community School programs are all aimed at bolstering our students’ academic achievement and ensuring they are motivated and engaged at school every day. The Tigers Den Community Resource Center, room 101, is home to the Community Schools initiative at GJS, serving as a space where parents, students and staff can find information, get work done and collaborate. Learn more.
As a community school, we are fortunate to be able to provide our students with an additional five hours of learning each week. During this extended learning time, students have the opportunity to continue academically-based lessons with their teachers, as well as participate in enrichment programs, such as Lego robotics, Scratch computer programming, dance and debate. For a full list of the programs offered during ELT, contact Alex Teitel, Community School Director or see the Enrichment programs link on this website. Learn more.
At GJS we know that mentors matter. For that reason, we partner with local leaders, including members of government, the NYPD and community-based organizations to match some of our students with individual mentors. If you would like to match your child with a mentor, be sure to let us know.
PWC is a community based organization whose mission is to strengthen students’ emotional, social and academic skills in order to help them succeed in school, society and life. PWC social workers provide individual and small group counseling, crisis intervention, full class services, professional development, and family and community outreach. The PWC Social Work team can be found in the Zen Den, room 106. PWC is also our lead partner organization for our Community Schools initiative. Learn more.
As a community school, we know that learning should not stop at the end of June. For that reason, we offer summer programming at our school. Last year Practice Makes Perfect provided academic enrichment for elementary students and a peer mentoring opportunity for middle school students. Be sure to inquire about summer opportunities during the spring to make sure you get your child signed up early! Learn more.